“fight for a socialist EU with a socialist platform for Equal citizenship for every one” Dashty Jam
ifir web
September 4, 2019
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“fight for a socialist EU with a socialist platform for Equal citizenship forevery one”
Dashty Jamal speech at protest Defend Migrants Defend free movement 4 September 2019
The working class have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. United action of all leading civilised countries is one of the first conditions for the emancipation of the working classes.
IFIR belives in the Unconditional right to choose one’s place of residence. Freedom of movement for everyone!
but what does free movement mean?
It exists in the EU but it is used by big business to exploit a cheap supply of labour in a ‘race to the bottom’ in terms of low pay, zero-hour contract and poor employment conditions.
The EU’s austerity agenda has also allowed populist far-right racist parties to exploit workers’ fears over immigration and failing public services.
Unfortunately, the Labour Party leadership and many trade union leaders fell behind the remain camp led by Tory leader Cameron. Cameron was no friend of workers. His policy of austerity led too cuts to jobs, public services and welfare benefits. His government also introduced new anti-trade union laws.
The idea of remain under the capitalist ‘EU’ law is not our solution, It allows the capitalist freedom to exploit workers.
we believe that in or out of the EU, as long as we remain under the capitalist profit system, workers will have to struggle to defend their living standards.
We need to fight for a socialist EU with a socialist platform for equal citizenship for every one.
I respect the right of people to live and work where they choose, but employers must not be allowed to use migrant workers as a way to drive down terms and conditions.
freedom of movement of capital is what allows employers to move production abroad to increase their profits.
IFIR calls for the defence and extension to the rights of migrants and refugees.
We fight for the right to choose one’s place of residence.
Freedom of movement for everyone!
No to borders!