The European governments must share responsibilities for refugees
ifir web
March 7, 2016
Home, Refugee Issues
7March 2016
IFIR Press Release:
The European governments must share responsibilities for refugees
Using force against refugees must be halted immediately
Today there is another meeting of EU countries in Brussels to stop refugees fleeing to EU. European leaders’ continue to use Turkey as their border guard to stop refugees fleeing war from travelling to safety in Europe.
This is a dangerous and deliberate ploy to avoid responsibility to people fleeing war.
Dashty Jamal Secretary of International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR said: “The tragedy of the refugees’ dying in groups on the borders of Europe, in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, is a direct consequence of the policy of closing the borders to people whose livelihoods and place of residence turned into battlefields, amidst civil war, unrest and insecurity”
“The European countries and the West whilst they always talk about human rights have provided no realistic solution to prevent the wave of death among the refugees. They want to use NATO, Frontex and other forces for the victims and women and children, ignoring the fact that they are among the main reasons for the catastrophes that led to the refugee’s exodus from the Middle East. The majority of the refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Africa are victims of the direct political and military involvement of the US and European countries. It is due to their support for inhuman, repressive militia systems in the Middle East, which are covered with the dress of democracy”
“The warmongering policies of the American, European and Russian governments directly led to military and political intervention in counties in the Middle East and North Africa. This policy has caused carnage; deaths of hundreds of thousands; havoc; displacement and has devastated any trace of a modern or urban society in those countries. People have no choice but to flee.”
IFIR is asking EU Leaders to:
– Stop playing with the lives of victims of your wars
– Open the borders immediately to refugees to rescue and protect them from disasters, racist and fascist aggressions
– Prevent the wave of refugees and destitution. This depends primarily on putting an end to the fighting and military involvement of the US, the West, Russia, China and other forces and regimes supporting the two main fronts. The European countries and west must give up the policy of supporting the repressive regimes which resulted in social unrest and insecurity.
IFIR condemns any forcible deportation policy The European governments must share responsibilities for meeting the needs of refugees