Statement by the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees on World Refugee Day.

Statement by the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees on World Refugee Day.

We can lead a massive humanitarian movement against war, militarism, criminality, and racism while also ensuring a peaceful future for all.

June 20 is the World Refugees Day of, which has been officially recognised by the United Nations since 1951 with the contents and principles of the resolution.

Some countries’ coast guards sink refugee boats, restrict and close borders and islands, hold refugees in camps and captivity beneath tents and plastic huts, and pass legislation to relocate refugees to remote islands. They are stationed in military stations and ships, and they are even punished as criminals. There exist agreements with authoritarian governments to forcibly deport migrants, to incite bigotry, discrimination, and insults against refugees, and to blame them for everything terrible that happens in these countries.  These have pushed the boundaries of hypocrisy and immorality in Western countries that are supposed to be democratic and human rights oriented. Even the United Nations and international law are no longer legitimate when member states’ interests are at stake.

This year’s World Refugee Day is being observed in a context where conflict, genocide, destruction, displacement, and homelessness have endangered the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Racism, fascism, nationalism, and political repression have become hallmarks of bourgeois governments and organisations over the world. 

Tens of millions of people have been forced to leave their homes and live in exile within their own countries, or to go to the West in search of security and a decent living, because of state and bourgeois disputes and wars.

The Western bourgeoisie and its states, which call for human rights and democracy, are responsible for the world’s instability and destruction, which has resulted in displacement and refugees in conflict zones.

They are using the economic crisis in their capitalist system to impose additional burdens on working people, such as poverty, unemployment, hunger, and the cutback of public and social services, under the pretext of refugee pressure and in order to mislead the deprived masses of their countries and turn their protests against the bourgeoisie and the authorities, as well as promote opposition and condemnation of refugees as the source of these miseries among the people! The Western bourgeoisie actively encourages racism and anti-asylum!

Thus, people who have suffered from years of war, bloodshed, militarism, and persecution at the hands of bourgeois states, including the imperialist powers of the United States, European countries, and Russia, are also the sources of unemployment, criminality, and unrest!

As a result, the fight for the right to live, choice of residence, and enjoyment of peaceful conditions for all people who have fled persecution, conflict, and hunger has become a legitimate struggle and the responsibility of every freedom fighter and humanitarian around the world. 

On World Refugee Day, the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) announces its solidarity with the world’s civilised and freedom-loving people in their efforts to put an end to war, militarism, genocide, repression, crime, and human calamities, regardless of ethnicity or religion.

At the same time, it is in the forefront of all attempts to recognise the right to residency as a fundamental human right, as well as to protect the right of asylum for all those who abandon their homes in search of a quiet and dignified existence.

No to war.

No to the deportation of refugees.

No to racism and  conservatism.

International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR


Dashty Jamal
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR
Tel:07856032991 Fax:08712664391

About ifir web

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