Refugee campaigners demand end to Rwanda Plan in May Day protest

Refugee campaigners demand end to Rwanda Plan in May Day protest

A coalition of refugee and migrants’ rights groups have held a demonstration at Downing Street in protest at the government’s sudden implementation of the Rwanda Plan. 

The demonstration was called by the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, the International Iranian Organisation of Refugees and Labour Campaign for Free Movement to coincide with May Day. 

Around 250 people gathered from 5.30pm, representing a wide range of groups. Trade unionists in PCS, Unison and FBU attended, alongside campaigners from refugee campaigns including No Borders, Oxford Detainee Network and Refugees Are Welcome, and political groups Front Line, the Socialist Party Lanka [a]and Workers’ Liberty. 

The mood of the protest was upbeat and determined. Chants included “say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here”; “Rwanda is unsafe, no deportation, no to detention, the Rwanda Plan must be stopped”. 

Labour MP John McDonnell addressed the demonstration towards the end, offering his full support to the campaign to stop the Rwanda Plan. Earlier, the protest heard from refugees and activists from a variety of countries and organisation, as well as a performance poet. 

The organisers intend to call more protests and actions in the coming weeks, as well as supporting actions at reporting centres. 

A contact sheet was passed round attendees. To keep in touch with the campaign, please email


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