8th March is a day of struggle against a system that perpetuates violence and discrimination against women.
ifir web
March 6, 2024
8th March is a historic occasion that marks the struggle of workers and women of the world against capitalist oppression and discrimination against women. As an international day, the struggle of equality-seeking women and men against inequality against women and for their freedom is deeply rooted in society.
Today, March 8 is celebrated in a situation where the world is going through a transitional period and the war and militarism of imperialist forces, with the United States and NATO on one pole and Russia on the other and has kept it in disaster. To re-divide the world, they have kept the civil society amid war, instability, poverty, and disaster. Women are at the forefront of these sacrifices.
If the global equality and liberation movement has succeeded in securing many of the individual and civil rights of women and has compelled governments to uphold some of these rights, then in societies where religion and culture are dominated by conservatism and masculinity, women’s subjugation, and exclusion, as well as their oppression, are imposed in the worst possible ways.
Unfortunately, Kurdistan is one of the places ruled by a government that not only denies women their individual, civil, and human rights, but also assassinates thousands of women in the name of honour. Thousands of women have been compelled to commit suicide via self-immolation. Injustice and brutality against women continue, and the authorities not only ignore but actively contribute to this human catastrophe. Furthermore, the environment against women has spread to Europe. In recent years, several Kurdish women have been assassinated by their husbands and family.
Furthermore, the minority policies and cultural and community group theories that Western countries conduct with refugees, as well as the divisions, discrimination, and racist policies and behaviour imposed by these governments on refugees, have reflected on the lives of individuals and families and prevented true integration. To promote the notion of equal citizenship and preserve their rights in these communities while maintaining equal social law and order.
As a result, on March 8, a day of struggle for women and men for equality and a day to stand against inequality and oppression against women, the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees reiterates its opposition to all laws and regulations that exclude women. It opposes the policy of cultural relativism and minority cutting as an impediment to the establishment of a society free of violence, discrimination, and discrimination, based on one law and one modern human culture, citizenship rights, and universal human identity.
Long Live 8 March international Women’s Day
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR