Let us make March 8th the day of support for Iranian women!

The forces behind the overthrow of capitalist power!

March 8, International Women’s Day, is the day of struggle against inequality, discrimination and oppression of women. It is a day of protest against the ruling class’s ideas, traditions, culture, power, and laws, which have imposed their power on society and kept women in a lower social position, subjugation, and violation of individual and civil rights.

Women are protesting oppression and discrimination today, at a time when the world is engulfed in war, poverty, unemployment, hunger, and the displacement of imperialist forces, which has thrown societies into a new cycle of deadly crisis. The consequences of Ukraine’s capitalist economic crisis and war have had a significant impact on lives, rights, and freedoms, particularly for women, who are the primary victims of this situation. The emergence of a revolutionary movement of women, youth, and workers under the slogan “Women, Life, and Freedom” against the hijab and for freedom and equality has dealt the Islamic Republic a major blow. The victory of the Iranian people’s and women’s uprising in this revolution will have a direct impact on the situation in Iraq, Kurdistan, the region, and the world, as well as women’s rights struggles against political Islam and the oppressive powers of capitalism.

Fearing the breeze of women’s revolution in Iran has harassed the Salafis and Islamic movements in Kurdistan, backed by the ruling parties in Kurdistan, who began to threaten and attack women’s civil and individual rights. Beside disrespecting women, they issued Fatwas against women activists. That is why supporting the revolutionary movement of women, youth and workers in Iran is an important step forward for the progressive and freedom-loving movement towards a free, prosperous and equal society, a society that guarantees all women’s rights and freedoms, separates religion from the state and law, to bring a law enacted upon full equality of men and women. That law would guarantee that same rights for women in marriage, divorce, relation to children, inheritance. That law would end insulting women and make insulting language illegal. That would eliminate the environment which the authorities of Kurdistan transferred to abroad, and environment caused tens of heart-breaking tragedies in the Kurdish community including domestic violence and patriarchal culture, alongside the anti refugees laws in the UK and Europe.

On March 8, International Women’s Day, the Federation of Iraqi Refugees calls on all women and men, freedom and equality fighters and organizations defending the rights of women and refugees to unite their voices in support of this great movement in Iran.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Long live the revolutionary women’s movement in Iran
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees

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