Summery of the points raised in the meeting in the UK Parliament on the evening of Monday 28 November 2022

Summery of the points raised in the meeting in the UK Parliament on the evening of Monday 28 November 2022

At the request of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees(IFIR), and to further draw support and solidarity for the ongoing Iranian uprising, a meeting was held at the British Parliament.

The meeting was organised by the office of John Mcdonnell MP, who is a prominent well-known figure on the left of the Labour party. IFIR publicized the meeting and invited speakers for the meeting.

Dashty Jamal, Secretary of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, Halaleh Taheri, Executive Director of Middle Eastern Women and Society Organization, Nasrin Parwaz, writer and women’s rights activist, Maryam Namazi, Iranian women’s activist & Founder of One Law for All, Sonia Mohanmmadi, Political activist & Iranian woman’s rights activist,Sawasn Salim Director Kurdish & Middle Eastern woman’s Organisation, John Moloney, Assistant General Secretary (PCS), and Dan Randall, the vice Chair of RMT-Bakerloo Line Trade Union, were among those who spoke.

The meeting was presided over by John Mcdonnell. Dashty Jamal spoke first and explained the purpose of the meeting. Dashty stated that the purpose of the meeting was to gain the support of workers, trade unions, humanitarian organisations, personalities, and progressive members of British Parliament for the mass demonstrations of Iranian women, youth, and working-class people fighting the Islamic regime.

He also hoped that as an outcome of this panel and meeting, to submit a memorandum to the British Parliament and Government containing several demands signed by the participants. The Iranian people’s gain and victory is certainly not only for them, but also for the freedom fighters and the people of the region, including people in Iraq and Kurdistan. Dashty also called on the British parliament to ask the British government to close the embassy of the Islamic Republic and its agencies in the UK and expel their diplomats for killing demonstrators, imprisonment and militarization of cities.

Other speakers then spoke about the crimes of the Islamic Republic against women, youth and workers, which has continued for 43 years by killing, imprisonment and violating the most basic human rights, that has been ignored and even supported by Western countries.

It was even pointed out that although some Western countries are now presenting themselves as supporters of the demonstrators and the Iranian uprising, but they are dealing with them behind the scenes. They also called on trade unions and other organisations such as teachers unions, women and progressive British MPs who are supporters of women’s and human rights to support the Iranian people’s uprisings and their demands and to expose the brutality of the Islamic regime of Iran and the repression of demonstrators in an appropriate manner.

They emphasized the need to close all Islamic institutions in the UK, including embassies and mosques, and to put pressure on Iran to immediately free political prisoners and protesters. Speaking on behalf of the British Trade Unions, some of the speakers reaffirmed their support for Iranian women, youth, and workers in their struggle against the Islamic regime.

It was mentioned that the Trade Unions are trying to organize a day of solidarity with the independent trade unions in Iran and the Iranian uprising. At the request of the representatives of the PCS, it was proposed to setup a committee to follow up on the issues raised in the meeting and to organize actions of solidarity with the workers, women and youth of Iran. He also suggested that the committee to be led by John McDonnell as he has considerable influence among British workers and trade unions. The aim was to get as many trade unions as possible and workers involved in the campaign in support of the Iranian people’s uprising.

John McDonnell accepted the proposal to lead the committee. It was then decided that within 10-day period another meeting to be held to discuss the way forward. He also supported the demands of the participants to expel the Iranian Embassy, condemn the killing of demonstrators and pressure it to release the demonstrators immediately to be submitted to the British government through parliament.

A memorandum was signed on behalf of the participants calling on the British Parliament and the British government, to support the uprising and let the Iranian people to freely decide their own destiny and not interfere in their movement.

The following demands were also included in the memorandum:

• The immediate release of all political prisoners in Iran:

• Freedom of political activity in Iran:

• The repeal of the compulsory hijab law:

• To bring to justice those who have murdered demonstrators.

Participants were then given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions. The speakers were then given two minutes to answer questions and make their last comments. John also answered some questions and made comments. The meeting lasted for about two and a half hours in a very warm and hopeful atmosphere, the meeting ended successfully with the slogan of women … life … freedom by Dashty Jamal.

International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR

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