The people of Afghanistan need our urgent support!

Open borders for Afghan refugees
The Taliban fighters have occupied Afghanistan in just 10 days taking control of towns and cities
across the country. On the 15 th August 2021 , they entered the capital city Kabul. This happened
following agreement between USA, NATO and the Taliban.

The Taliban’s lightning advance prompted
tens of thousands of people to flee their homes, many arriving in the Afghan capital and caught up in
the chaos at Kabul Airport as well as others heading for neighboring countries. Already a majority of
displaced Afghans are seeking refuge in neighboring countries such as Iran and Pakistan, while many
are trying to find safety in Europe. Experts say more than one million Afghans could be displaced and
driven out of their homes after the Taliban takeover which has been evident with all the civilians
attempting to leave at Kabul Airport. This humanitarian crisis needs to be addressed appropriately with
the right measures taken.
The US troops and NATO withdrawal leaving Afghanistan to the Taliban Islamist Rule has shocked
the world. International authorities and the reactionary states of the region should not recognize the
rule of the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan.
Since the 2001 American invasion, this entrenched all types of deterioration in the Afghani society.
The invasion did not achieve equality between women and men, brought neither economic nor
political stability during two decades of invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. American politics, in
Afghanistan and its support of corrupt groups that run against the interests of the people, has provided
the environment to bring the Taliban’s rule back.
The outcomes are so catastrophic and give European countries a huge responsibility to come together
as an international community to condemn the Taliban. It is a crime that they close their borders
violating all humanitarian measures, values and laws. This war will escalate the refugee crisis. People
are risking their lives at sea, facing death to flee the hell of war, and still European Governments keep
their borders closed. That is why, we in the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees ask for
immediate help for the civilians of Afghanistan. We believe humanity, working class and freedom-
loving people can be a decisive force to condemn the rule of Taliban and put pressure on neighboring
countries to open the borders to Afghan refugees to end the spectre of the Taliban and forces alike
that pose a threat to civilian’s safety.
IFIR calls on all civilized humanity and freedom-loving front of the world to:
1. Put pressure on the international community including all governments to condemn Taliban to
be recognized.
2. Support the lives of the displaced civilians of Afghanistan by moving them to a safe country
away from the dangers the Taliban present to them.
3. At the same time we call on the UN, the immigration ministries of all countries and
humanitarian organizations to do their best to secure good and safe places for all of the
displaced people of Afghanistan.

4. To immediately open the borders to enable anyone who wants to escape from the Taliban
5. All people who are gathered at Kabul airport should be offered a safe journey out of
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR)

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