Aram Ali‘s body has been returned to Sulaimani International Airport


Today 10.02.2019 the body of Aram Ali was returned earlier today from Birmingham City to Sulaimani International Airport at 03:15 am.  Aram Ali’s body was received by his family, friends and the IFIR branch in Kurdistan. 

IFIR branch in Kurdistan expresses its deepest condolences and fully supports Ali‘s Family at this difficult time. We also give special thanks to Mr Adnan in Birmingham and all the people who helped to return the Body of Aram Ali to his family.

Aram Ali was born in Sulaimani, Iraqi Kurdistan. Aram a refugee for two years, ended his journey in the UK.  Discovering that Italy has taken his fingerprints he was deported to Italy, hoping that his the issue of his fingerprints is resolved he makes his way again towards the UK, wishing to have a normal life alongside his sister, brother in law and friends.

Unfortunately the difficulties and threats to deport him start again, and finally in one of Birmingham’s hostiles, in complete despair, he committed suicide. 

IFIR-Kurdistan Branch


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