Notification of the relaunch of the IFIR Kurdistan branch

IFIR is writing to inform all IFIR clients, deportees, humanitarian, refugee organizations, political parties, refugee relatives that Mr. Ari Jalal and Mr. Baxtyar Omer no longer work IFIR, as a consequence they have no eligibility or responsibility within IFIR anymore. IFIR understands that they have formed their own organization.

Dashty Jamal Secretary of IFIR has appointed Mr. Amanj Abdullah as the head of IFIRs branch in Kurdistan and Mr. Hawzhin Muhammad as the office manager.

Dashty Jamal wishes to assure all IFIR’s clients that IFIR will continue its work and services to the deportee and Refugee community in Kurdistan.

You may also wish to note that IFIR Kurdistan branch has moved to the Following address:

House Number (9)Alley (7) Shorsh-Sulaimania 

The Background of IFIR.

  • IFIR is a free, humanitarian, popular and International organization defending the universal rights of refugees, realizing the rightful protests of the refugees. 
  • IFIR has a history of pride. Since its founding in 1992, in countries like Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Britain, Switzerland, Canada, Australia and Turkey  
  • IFIR was on the frontline defending the humanitarian values, refugee rights. It has worked for equal rights and equal freedom of the individuals. It fought against discrimination and building borders and was for unconditional right of free movement.
  • IFIR tries to continuously broaden the human rights of the Kurdish and Iraqi refugees and that everyone has a fair share in a free, save and prosper life.
  • IFIR has helped thousands of people, protecting their rights and dignity, stopping forcible deportation. 
  • IFIR is Working to enable the acceptance of refugees from the above mentioned countries, initiating hundreds of campaigns to collect international supports for stopping the process of refugee deportation.
  • In its efforts IFIR has helped many refugees to gain asylum and provided them with their basic needs in the countries in which they live without considering any religious, political, ethnic and nationalistic ideologies and motives.
  • Defending the right of refugees, IFIR has organized many demonstrations, protests and meetings in the European parliament, presented petitions to the responsible sections in the European countries.
  • Rebwar Arif was the official secretary of IFIR until 2007 he has left a rich history behind him for the refugees and IFIR. Thereafter in the first congress of IFIR the representatives of IFIR in the different countries appointed Dashty Jamal as the secretary of IFIR. 
  • In February 2012 the IFIR founded a branch in Kurdistan in presence of Dashty Jamal and the deportees.
  • The IFIR’s headquarter is in Britain and continues to defend refugee rights. 

In recent years,

·         IFIR has freed many imprisoned refugees.

·         IFIR has returned the body of many drowned refugees in the Mediterranean Sea.

·         IFIR searched for many missing refugees.

·         IFIR has helped many women and children who were victims of domestic violence and fought for them to gain the right of asylum. 

IFIR will continue working independently from any political party promoting humanitarian aims.

International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR

30 January 2019

About ifir web

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