Algerian detainee died in Harmondsworth detention centre yesterday

IFIR press release: Algerian detainee died in Harmondsworth detention centre yesterday

Iraqi Kurdish detainees reported to IFIR that Mr Redouane died yesterday at 15:29, because of this all other detainees were locked in there rooms until the evening. 

They also told IFIR “Mr Redouane told us: That he had been held in detention for more than one year and that he was very upset and tired”Another Iraqi detainee said” Redouane was my friend and I liked him very much he was very helpful to all Detainees and helped with translation. This is our future like mr Redouane I have been held in  detention since 5 November 2016 “

This month alone nine Iraqi Kurds have been forcibly deported to Baghdad. More than 30 Iraqis and Kurdish people have been arrested and are being held in different detention centers across the UK. Many of those held in the UK have been resident in the UK for ten to fifteen years and have UK wives, partners and children.

 These deportations follow a deal made between the Iraqi Government and UKBA. However following IFIR contacting Iraqi MP’s on the 26 April 2017, 104 members of the Iraqi Parliament have signed a resolution to urge the federal government of Iraq to refuse to accept forcible deportation flights from Europe.

IFIR calls on all human and refugee right organizations, trade unions and freedom loving people to stop forcible deportations to Iraq and to not let the UKBA and Iraqi government play with the lives of Iraqi victims.

Take Action

Please write to the UKBA, Home Secretary Sajid Javid:

2 Marsham Street, London

E-mail to: , or  Fax: 020 7035 4745

Post to: Home Secretary Sajid Javid:

2 Marsham Street, London

Please also support our campaign by writing to the UK’s Home Secretary asking her to:

  • Immediately halt these deportations

  • End the UK’s deportation agreement with the Iraqi Government

  • Immediately release all Iraqi refugees held in detention in the UK

  • Give all Iraqis in the UK refugee status.

    Contact details:

    The Home Secretary Sajid Javid: MP

    Secretary of State for the Home Department

    2 Marsham Street ,London

    SW1P 4DF



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