(24 November) attack on Sinai Mosque in Egypt
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December 2, 2017
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IFIR offers it’s condolences to all those affected by the attack on a mosque attended by Sufi Muslims in Sinai. Two hundred and thirty five people were murdered and more injured in this attack on a Mosque at Friday prayers. This time was deliberately chosen when the Mosque was busy to cause more harm and confusion. The terrorists were also shooting at ambulances sent to help the victims of this awful attack.
We stand in solidarity with all the victims of this terror attack. The aim of this terror attack is to send fear throughout not only Egypt but the whole world. We must not let extremists dictate to us how or who we worship, whether that be Christian or Muslim or whether we choose not to follow any faith.
We stand with progressive forces that stand against terror committed by all terror groups. This current wave of terrorism is an international condition in the development of political Islam. Civilised humanity must have the ability to confront terrorism. It is time for all freedom loving and progressive movements to stand against this evil.
The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR joins progressive voices and all freedom loving people in the world against terrorism and the ending of all terrorist acts across the world
IFIR-24 November 2017
Dashty Jamal
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR
Tel:07856032991 Fax:08712664391