9 June 2017   IFIR press release:   UKBA is deporting one Iraqi by Royal Jordanian airline to Baghdad


Haram Kalaf is currently being held in a vans at Heathrow airport awaiting being put on a Royal Jordanian Airline flight via Amen to Bahgdad..  The flight is scheduled to leave at five pm today.

Haram is from Kirkuk and has been living in the UK for 10 years. Haram’s partner is three months pregnant.

Dashty Jamal, secretary of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees says:

 Within a few hours of the Conservatives losing their majority in Parliament, they continue their inhuman rights policy of forcibly deporting Iraqi victims back to Baghdad.   They do not take a lesson from their terrible results in the general election.

IFIR has been with working with a solicitor to halt this deportation. The UKBA is silent they do not want to hear the protests of human and refugee rights campaigners and freedom loving people. IFIR continues in different ways to challenge UKBA’s policy of forcibly deporting Iraqi’s.  Let us all shout loudly to the UKBA `top forcible deportation to Iraq`!

International Federation of Refugees has taken the following actions to protest at the UK’s forcible deportation policy:

  • Organised a demonstration outside the Home Office

  • written letters to the Human courts of justice,

  • Written letters to Turkish Airline, Qater airline, Royal Jordanian airline and King Abdullah to protest at the treatment of an Iraq on one of Royal Jordanian’s planes.

  • launched an Online petition

  • ·104 Iraqi MP’s have signed resolution against excepting forcible deportation flights from Europe

  • Arranged for campaigners to phone airlines to protest at them accepting forcible deported Iraqi’s on their flights

Please call Royal Jordanian Airlines on 020 7878 6300 demanding that they do not deport Haram and cancel all flights booked by the UKBA to deport Iraqi’s.

END: for more information please contact IFIR on 07856032991

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