PCS Conference Voted Against Forced Deportation to Iraq

At the second day of the Annual Public and Commercial Service Union Conference, held in Brighton attended by over 700 members, out of 200,000,  from across the UK, delegates voted unanimously in favour of stopping the forced deportation of Iraqi refugees back to Iraq.

The motion was put forward by the Department for Communities and Local Government HQ National Branch. The motion supported:

– support of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR)

– writing a letter to the UKBA calling on them to cease deporting Iraqi refugees and release all Iraqis currently detained for deportation

– writing a letter to the President of Iraq not to accept Iraqis who are forcibly returned from Europe.


Dashty Jamal, Secretary of IFIR said “this is a huge victory for our campaign against forced deportation. It’s reassuring to know that we have the support of the PCS trade union and it’s members. Trade Unions have been long time supporters of IFIR and we express our thanks to the PCS and it’s members and it’s general secretary. I would also like to give a special thanks to Chris Hickey from DCLG PCS branch”

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