IFIR Iraq Weekly Press Release: The death of the IDPs children due lack of food and medicine.

13th March 2017

Two children, aged 1 and 3, died this week in the displaced camps in Hammam-Al-Alil camp as a direct consequence of lack of food and medicine. Those who are able to escape chemical attacks launched by ISIS, and the bombardment of the Iraqi forces’ cannons on the western side of the city, may also suffer the same fate as a result of lack of food and medicine.

The wave of displacement from the western side was expected, yet no preparations were made in advance. Neither the Iraqi government nor the United Nations had the necessary procedures in place to host and respond to the 50,000 newly arrived IDPs (internally displaced people). This has left the safety of those who are fleeing the war zone in the hands of the Iraqi army and the security forces, who are already busy fighting ISIS.

The needs of the new wave of displaced people, fleeing their areas in heavy rain and cold weather, since the last attack on the western side by Iraqi forces on 19th February has intensified. They suffer as a result of a lack of drinking water, food, shelter and protection services. This continues to be a major humanitarian concern in eastern side of the city. These are warning signs of a humanitarian crisis in the city.

Those who are able to find a safe place with no documents face many challenges through the screening process, carried out by Iraqi forces to find ISIS members posing as civilians. They also have difficulties accessing legal services.

While more than a thousand people leaving the eastern side daily, there are still hundreds of thousands of people who live under the bombardment with no food supply or access to clean drinking water. Furthermore, there are many dead bodies left in the streets.

Both the United Nations and Iraqi government should step forward and take every step needed to provide food and shelter to support those who succeed in escaping their neighbourhoods and to enable those stuck in their homes to find passages to safe areas.

Since the war began in October 2017, IFIR has provided and facilitated service provision to those in need in Mosul. We call on all humanitarian organisations to play their role and help those in desperate need.

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