Press Release on the inauguration of a new branch in Baghdad-Iraq

19 January 2017

We are delighted to announce that the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) has opened a new branch in Baghdad-Iraq.  This will enable IFIR to expand its work and to support Internally Displaced People (IPDs) in the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. .There are approximately 3,400 million internally displaced people in Iraq, 10% of them are based in Baghdad. Many of them are living in camps and are struggling to meet basic needs such as food, shelter; few if the IDPs are able to work which has tremendously impacted their life and safety

The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) which has been working since 1993 to respond to the needs and demands of Iraqi refugees many who have been forced to flee Iraq and seek refuge in European countries. However following attacks on Iraq by ISIL IFIR is now turning its attention to support and help internally displaced people in Iraq. IFIR over the last 3 months has supported Yazadi refugees in Sinjar Mountain and others by distributing 2000 heaters, provided health support to the elderly women in villages close to Sulaimania city, and worked with international organisations to aid those desperate for help.

We are pleased to announce that Janan Aljabiri will be the Representative-in-Charge of Baghdad branch from 15th January 2017.   Aljabiri played a leading role of number of charity organisations in the UK from 1999-2016.  Aljabiri has enhanced her practical work with academic achievement by focusing her PhD on the role of civil society organisations in providing social welfare in the Middle East.

Contact details of Baghdad Branch:

Tel: 00964 (0) 7800063048


Skype: janan.aljabiri


Main Branch– London:

Tel: 44(0) 7856032991/ +44(0)7720291516 

Kurdistan details:



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