Refugees in Calais must be treated as human beings!

25 October 2016.   Press release

The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) is both saddened and distressed to hear about the news concerning the closure and demolition of the refugee camp in Calais. The closure will put thousands of refugees, including vulnerable adults and children, at great risk.
The IFIR demands that those at risk, particularly the estimated 1,300 unaccompanied children, are placed in safe and secure shelters in advance of the demolition. We are completely against the closure and demolition of the camp.
Secretary of the IFIR, Dashty Jamal, said “This is a barbaric act against humanity the refugees in Calais are victims of war and violence. The EU, France and the UK must take responsibility for the refugees in Calais.In this century it is a disgrace that families with young children are forced to live in the Jungle encampment living in a tents”. 

IFIR demands that all the refugees living in the jungle are granted immediate refugee status and offered safe accommodation within French society.  Further to this I personally call on the UK Government to ensure that all unaccompanied children in the jungle with family in the UK are immediately taken to the UK and reunited with their families.




IFIR calls on civilised humanity and freedom loving people to stand up and build a strong movement defending the rights for refugees and universal rights for all.
The IFIR would also like to take this opportunity to say that we wholeheartedly support the work being undertaken by charities and organisations, including Care4Calais, to provide much needed urgent help and care to the refugees

International Federation of Iraqi refugees-IFIR

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