Islamic terrorism and racism in Europe

Dashty Jamal’s Speech regarding the Islamic terrorism& racism in Europe for the May Day Seminar in zurich-1May2016

Ladies and gentlemen happy May Day I was supposed to be talking to you today regarding the working class movement in Iraq and Kurdistan. However due to recent events I have changed the subject matter to Islamic terrorism and racism in Europe.

At the current time there is no safety and security in any country in the world. We are living through a time of chaos. You only need to look at what has been happening from the heart of Europe to the Middle East and North Africa.

Islamic terrorism and racism are two phenomena in today’s world. While they may appear to be two separate tendencies, both are two sides of one policy. They have emerged in an atmosphere of war and economic crisis. Both phenomena are products of the capitalist system.

As today’s seminar is about Islamic terrorism, it is important to talk about the rise of political Islam as a backward and anti-human movement as an anti-secular trend.

The main feature of terrorism is a war whose battlefronts are not revealed as in classic wars, both sides confronting each other with their own ammunitions and weapons. Islamic terrorism as any other war has political objectives, and it is carried out in continuation of a political struggle, with the help of modern technological equipment, devices and financial resources.

This kind of terrorism first emerged in the Middle East with the emergence of various political Islamic movements. It then became an international phenomenon Following world changing circumstances and the fall of Soviet Union and Eastern bloc.

This terrorism is an international condition in the development of political Islam, a policy and strategy which this movement resorted to for redistributing the balance of power.

What is the root cause of Islamic terrorism?

Terrorism is the main strategic pillar of political Islam. Historically, this kind of terrorism as a reaction is a product of the state terrorism which is founded by the US and Western countries. Islamic terrorism has grown up in the arms of the US and West especially during the cold war, used to defeat the Soviet bloc in Afghanistan.

This kind of terrorism was used to arm the Islamic forces in Afghanistan and to support the jihadi groups politically and financially to stand against the Soviet bloc and communism. It was then developed to oppose and destroy left wing democratic movements in the Middle East.

After the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran and pan Islamist policies in the midst of the Iran Iraq war.

Following the emergence of Iran as a regional power after the fall of Eastern bloc political Islam and its terrorism became engaged in a power struggle in the Middle East.

The emergence of the crisis in the governments and Arab nationalism deadlock and the system of states established after the world war two in these countries in response to the economic and political trends and the livelihoods of the people, political Islam and its terrorism as an alternative played its role in re-establishing the state and society in accordance with the Islamic Sharia.

As a result Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria and many other Eastern countries became the battlefield for terrorism.

However, after the first Gulf war and the emergence of the US as the main force of state terrorism, Iraq became the Centre of the new world order and the US’ attempt to take first place in power ranking in the world after the dissolution of both East and West bloc, so that the US can control the world and that the US can annex the West to obey its policies.

For this purpose, political Islam was chosen and the opportunity was given to its movements to get engaged in a war against the whole society in an attempt to make changes in Middle Eastern countries.

After the second Gulf war and fall of Baath regime, the opportunity came for Islamic terrorism to move its war from a regional to a global strategy.

The terrorist act of September the 11th was the first declaration of this global strategy. This later moved the war of political Islam to the heart of Europe.

If we look at the events of this trend we would see a series of reactionary events of random killing and mass killing in restaurants, theatres, metros, suicide bombing, arson, and imposing reactionary Sharia law on people.

The terror attacks committed by Islamic terrorists have given the US and its allies an excuse for more military intervention.

The terrorist attack on September the 11th by Al-Qaida gave the US reason and opportunity of military intervention in Afghanistan and then Iraq. It enabled the US to attempt to establish political hegemony in the Middle East.

Following the Arab Spring civil war in Syria led to the rise of Al-Nusra and ISIL (DAESH) (posing as opposition to Asad).

The crimes of the murderous group of ISIL (DAESH) in Syria and Iraq meant that Islamic terrorism got an opportunity in rearranging power in the Middle East. As we can now see large parts of Iraq and Syria are under the control of ISIL.

The role of the West in supporting the Islamic terrorism:

As in the past when these reactionary trends were given a role on the margin of Middle Eastern society with the help of the US and West to confront the left wing by inciting the new founded capitalist systems to encounter the Eastern Bloc, and in the same way their war mongering, expansionary, political and economic interventionist policies of the US and its allies helping countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey in the Middle East and North Africa.

The US and European countries are dealing with many Islamic groups under the name of moderate Islam and helping and cooperating with tens and hundreds of Islamic groups inside Europe and opening of many mosques and Islamic centres, it comes to a point when they publicly support an Islamic community in the heart of Europe in the name of multiculturalism.

This false policy has left the Islamic groups with their mass killing and suicide attacks and at the same time contributed to the increase of racist groups and trends and consequently refugees to be targeted by these groups.

Unless the US and West stop supporting Islamic countries, and stop their political and military intervention in these countries, and give up multiculturalism policy and restrain the untied racist groups, the risk of global terrorist acts in the future increases and they cannot stop terrorist acts similar to September the 11th and July the 7thand the murderous acts of France and Belgium. The Islamic terrorist trend is a global trend consisting of tens of organizations and groups organized secretly.

The civilized world and human loving and progressive movements can stop state and non-state terrorism. The current war which is propagated for is not a war against Islamic terrorism, it’s not a war on freedom and safety, it’s not about Islam and Christianity, it’s not about democracy and dictatorship, and it’s a war on distributing the plunder of war and changing the balance of power between imperialist countries.

The corner stone of an effective and practical solution to restrain this blind political Islam and stand against it, is not at stake in the war which is being launched by the US, West, and their allies in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar on one hand and Russia, China, and their allies such as Iran, Asad, Hizbullah, and the Houthis in the Middle East with the support of part of political Islam on the other hand. In one side, in the name of Islamic terrorist war, it has organized another front named moderate Islam.

They support groups and systems in the region that hold no responsibility towards the livelihoods of the people and plunged their societies into hell of confrontation between militia, nationalist, and religious groups such as ISIL (DAESH). Economically, politically and socially, these societies are getting worse and worse in terms of security, safety, and level of livelihood. All these are the product of anti-human policy and performance of the political parties and authorities which have been appointed as rulers and governors in those communities.

And the people in these societies have no other option but to choose the sea of death to try to get to Europe. The political Islam which is considered the foundation of Islamic terrorism cannot stand on its own feet without the help of the West in the Middle East. One cannot fight terrorism whilst supporting bloody regimes like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey. And making refugee deals with Turkey at the expense of the refugees who have no option but to leave their own countries and then to be deported to Turkey. This hypocritical policy must be ended. The people in the Middle East do not like this double standard policy and disdain this terrorist trend. It is not possible to declare war on Islamic terrorism and have nothing to do with those forces defending secularism and progressiveness, which are demanded by the people of these areas, especially after the defeat of one by nationalist alternatives.

Racism in Europe:

Europe has a history based on racial discrimination and of identifying white Europeans as superior. This criterion has been used to degrade and humiliate other cultures. From the Nazism Fascism of Hitler and racism within social democrat governments, both have used racism to separate workers. The race card has been used to stop allowances and social achievements, by a wing of bourgeoisie and turned into a political platform for re-election.

But the growth of racism and fascism in Europe that took place at the same time with the rise of Islamic terrorism trend as a global phenomenon, witnessed changes from a discrimination movement into a rebellious group contrary to the bourgeoisie. In other words, racism and fascism in Europe is a direct product of the warmongering policy of imperialists to change the balance of power as the Islamic terrorism is a tool in the hands of the international forces. The new racism and fascism of Europe are used as a tool in the hands of imperialists to confront the economic crisis which affects foreigners.

I want to state that racism at the present time, while the current economic crisis prevails and European governments are facing great political and economic changes, it has not just remained opposed foreigners but turned into a political platform by several rightwing political parties which have been allowed to take part in elections and all the doors are open for them to come to power. The platform of these rightwing parties is not only degrading refugees and asylum seekers but also planning to organize society in order to set a fixed wage rates and working hours, abolish social allowances and services, retirement age to be raised to 70, and to deprive old, disabled people and children of services and benefits that they are entitled to.

They are trying at the same time to keep civilized Europe in a continuous racial confrontation. In short, this racism as a movement and rightwing political party aims at attacking all human achievements, and moving civilization and humanity backward. It is a retrogressive movement from a civilized and tolerant Europe to discrimination and prejudice.

European countries have not withheld anything from racist and fascist parties and movements to stand straight and gain power in the parliament and government to strengthen their position in society against foreigners and Muslims. And in particular the current new racism is antagonistic to different culture and race and opposes foreigners. Their main platform is that they want to protect Europe from refugees and allege that refugees are the source of unemployment and all different crisis faced by the government.

We want neither terrorism nor racism; the human societies need to be cleared of these phenomena:

It is possible to have a society free of terrorism and racism. Terrorism and racism are disgraceful phenomena’s, they are a disgrace to the humanity and today’s modern world. Discrimination and killing people is incompatible with human nature and today’s civilized society, especially the humanity. For me racism and political Islam are two anti-human and reactionary movements. We want neither terrorism nor racism. Human society must be cleared of both these phenomena.


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