IFIR supporting the victims of ISIS

ince I arrived in Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) on the 09/09/14.  I have had two meetings with IFIR activists Asuda, Future, Kido, Azmun, Mrov Dostan etc. On Thursday 11th September we discussed aid received from Germany.

At 12th September with Mrov Dostan I have visited 4 houses In Bazyan. Each house is a shelter for 3 or 4 families. In every house at least 20-25 people live together in very poor conditions.  All the people I spoke to were very frustrated.  Most of the displaced people talk of their concerns for missing family members and friends.  They worry they are being held by ISIS militia. IFIR has taken the details of all of the missing people. IFIR’s aim is where possible to find these missing people and reunite them safely with their loved ones. Report by cihan from Kurdistan

IFIR supporting the victims of ISIS











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