Urgent appeal for funds to support refugees fleeing ISIS

Urgent appeal for funds to support refugees fleeing ISIS This is an urgent appeal for funds to help Iraqi and Kurdish people fleeing the terrorist group ISIS. The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees is working in Iraqi Kurdistan to support the thousands of Yezidis, Christians, Arabs, Kurds and Syrians whose homes were attacked by ISIS. In the last month we have provided food and shelter for more than 500 displaced families through our office in Suleymania. ISIS is a barbaric, fascist movement. They have no humanity and are responsible for the mass murder and genocide of many people, the humiliation of women, intolerance and brutality towards any different religion or sect and the destruction of civil society. People have fled to all parts of Iraqi Kurdistan for refuge. Any money you are able to give will go directly to supporting people. The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees is a grassroots group – we rely on donations to continue our work. We need to buy more milk, food and provisions, clothes and mattresses for the families who are coming to our office for help. The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees is run by committed activists, we have no paid staff and our overheads are low. We have been working for twenty years for the needs of refugees and displaced people. If you are able to support, we would be happy to give details of how your money has been spent. Please send any donations you are aable to give to:

Account name: International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) Account number: 21449591 Bank name: HSBC Sort code: 40-04-07 Or send cheques to: International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR)


Or use this paypal account, administered (for free) by the Edge Fund:

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… (Paypal takes a cut so please pay by bank transfer if possible) Contact IFIR at ifir@hotmail.co.uk Telephone 07577781626 or 07895636633 Contact:  IFIR:0044 7856032991or 07824 996724 or : 00964 7702204844 : 07895636633




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