Please help Syrian refugees
ifir web
May 26, 2014
Compaigns, Information on Refugee Issues
Freedom loving people,
Human rights supporters,
The flames of war have spread across the country between both parties involved in killing people in Syria. This has led to a civil war, a dark scenario which has haunted the whole of Syria.
According to the BBC, there are around 5 million displaced Syrian people with over 2 million forced out of the country to Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq and more than 200,000 people are now in makeshift refugee camps in Dumez, Arbat and Sulaimanyia. They are subjected to dire living conditions – 75% of them are children and women.
We, a number of freedom loving people, egalitarians, International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR), Kurdistan branch and Zhan group have founded the Hana Group in Sulaimanyia City. Hana Group aims to rescue and support the Syrian refugees irrespective of their race, language and nationality.
What we’re doing
The first target of Hana Group is the provision of support and emergency aid. Refugees in the camp arrive with nothing – no food, no clothes, no blankets… So far we have visited the Syrian refugee camp in Arbat and delivered some basic relief and support to the women and children inside the camp, including shoes for children, toothbrushes and books. We’re also working with doctors to ask them to provide free medical care. We need to do more.
Please help
The Hana Group has no resources as it is a new non-profit organisation. Any support you can offer will go directly to Syrian refugees and all the details of your support will be published on the IFIR and Hana Group website. We can all help relieve the financial and psychological burden on the shoulders of the refugees. Hundreds of women and children are waiting for our efforts. We are appealing for your support; please offer your help in the way you can afford.
Hana Group does not have any ties with any governments or political parties and does not receive any financial help from any funding body. All the moneyraised is from donations and public money. As we are responding in an emergency situation we have not had time to set up a bank account but Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq have kindly allowed us to use theirs.
Donations can be paid into the following bank account: Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq, Account number: 20188083, Bank name: Unity Trust, Sort code: 08-60-01
Or send your cheque by post: Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq,
PO BOX 1575, Ilford, London, IG1 3BZ, United Kingdom.