Emeded request for support  Iraqi refugees from detention

UK government has once again started to detain Iraqi refugees threatening them with deportation. More then 23 detaene had contact IFIR in the last three weeks.Some of them detaend for more then 18 month.

 Since 2005 more than 6000 Kurdish and Iraqi asylum seekers have been detained and imprisoned by the UK and, EUgovernments. They were forcibly deported but rather unwillingly and in an inhuman way to Baghdad or Kurdistan, and they are all registered now at the office of IFIR Sulaymania branch after their deportation.

against this continues – both in the UK and in Iraq and Kurdistan. Over the last nine years IFIR members who have been deported to Iraq have started to successfully organize and protest against deportations.  IFIR has successfully organised  demonstrations, blockades and other activism forcing both the  Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi government  to promise not to accept any forcibly deprtation flights. For more then 2 yers there had been no deportation flights from anywhere in the world to the northern region of Iraq and there have been no forcible deportations to the rest of Iraq. However the UK government and other European governments are applying heavy pressure on the Iraqi and Kurdish governments to accept deportations and it is vital the campaign

The IFIR as the only organization defending the lives of these people up until now, with the support of refugee and human rights organisations across the Europe and Kurdistan has managed to represent them and their demands. Therefore, it stood against  forcible deportation and emphasized firmly the demands of the deported asylum seekers through organizing demonstrations, protests and meeting officials in the government. Furthermore, IFIR has submitted a draft resolution to the Parliament in Kurdistan and Iraq to resolve the problems of the deportees. All these steps are in the direction of looking after the deportees and their families and in order to be rescued from suffering and discomfort. Despite all the silence from the government in regard to the IFIR and its activities about supporting the demands of the deportees, there are hopless attempts  from the authority to break the IFIR and to silence this combative, human and secular voice.   In spite of this difficult situation, the IFIR and the deportees have been left no option but the solidarity of the progressive people, secular organisations, members of Parliament and all political parties who are supporting the people’s demands, to put presssure on both governments of Kurdistan and Iraq and the Parliament of Kurdistan and Iraq in order to be forced to look into the case of the deportees.  Your support is considered defending a tranquil and comfortable life for the people of Kurdistan.

 We are seeking your support. The present and future of the deportees and their families need your solidarity and support.  Your support undoubtedly makes a difference and makes a change in the current situation.

Iraqi & Kurdish Refugees, who have settled in European countries for more than five years, face considerable uncertainty regarding their future and are now living in a climate of fear. They have been separated from their friends and families (many have partners and children here); they are arrested, handcuffed and put on special charter flights that return them to Iraq.   Iraqi’s seeking refuge have suffered from financial problems due to not being allowed to work legally.  This has led to directly to their health deteriorating.  Some have been under such pressure they have chosen suicide rather than face deportation.

After their deportation to Iraq & Kurdistan many are unemployed. They have not been offered the opportunity to resume their previous jobs.  Consequently they became a burden on their families. .This is while they are citizens of this country.  They need help to re-integrate into society and restart their normal lives. The duty rests on the shoulders of the Regional Government of Kurdistan and Iraq to meet the needs of the deportees to re-integrate into Iraqi society.

IFIR believes refugees are part of the worker class of this country. Through your support and solidarity we are stronger. We see our campaign as part of the wider movement against immigration controls. We hope to win a practical victory that will inspire, and can be replicated by, other campaigns and groups.

Please support us by writing to the Home Secretary Theresa May demanding that all Iraqi and Kurdish refugees are released from detention and deportations to Iraq and Kurdistan are stopped immediately.

Rt Hon Theresa May MP
Home Secretary
2 Marsham Street


Telephone number: 020 7035 4848

Please send IFIR a copy of your support  to ifir@hotmail.co.uk. Or to IFIR, PO.BOX1575, ILFORD, IG1 3BZ, LONDON.UK

list of Iraqis in detention centre:

  1. Ibrahim Yousif 

    2. Rezar Taqwfeeq

    3. Majeed Saeed Othman

    4. Naser Ismael

5.  Rami Bader  
6. Qadit Dani
7. Raeid Osman
8. Mustafa Alhamamy  
9. Adel Said

10. Hadir Karam

11. Hadi Omar 

12. Hatim omar

13 Ali Mahir Abdula :

14 Omar ALI

15. Sherko Mahammad :

16. Muradi Bahman    

17. Rahman Harun  

18. Mohammed Bashir

19 Salim  Salawi

International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR





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